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Halloween Curiosities - The Makerista

When people ask what my favorite holiday is, it’s really hard to give a straight answer. I like different ones for different reasons. Christmas and Thanksgiving bring real reasons to celebrate: the birth of our Savior and gratitude for what we’re given, but Halloween is simply a fanciful time filled with fun. There is not the stress level the other occasions provide. No need for hustle and bustle, big, elaborate meals, or gift giving. Now that we have little ones it’s all about finding a costume, cooking up some chili and walking around our neighborhood with family to gather candy. I mean, who doesn’t love that? Since I was a little girl, it’s always been the holiday I enjoyed decorating for the most. Nothing was off limits as we carved out tombstones and hung webbing from every corner. As I’ve gotten older my taste has changed, but I still love to add […]
